Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Believe me, no one is more shocked than me

Not only did I do a DVD today, but I did it early. As in before noon. That's almost 12 hours ahead of my usual time.

It was nice to get it out of the way early. And extra nice now at 9:30pm when it's all I can do to stay awake.

Please don't tell my teenaged self how happy it makes me to get to go to bed before 10. She would die from the shame.


Wendi said...

Funny how things like having 5 kids and doing exercise DVD's will make you tired at a normal hour...

I guess I should actually try it (the exercise part, that is...two kids is plenty for me. Thanks!) :)

Andrea said...

Yeah for you and tell your bad teenage self it's good for her. I did the pilates 20 minute workout this morning (yup up bright and early as well - but not bushy tailed). I hope one day I can do the non-modified exercises. This "baby" gut needs to take its flabby butt out of town. Too bad you can't donate fat like you can blood!

Sara said...

Wendi, exercise! C' know you want to...

Andrea, Winsor pilates it the first thing I ever did that actually had an effect on my lower belly. I have never had a flat stomach, even as pre-kids, and plain ol' crunches have never worked for me, but pilates (in the past; I'm working on getting back there) have gotten me as close as I've ever been in my life to getting one. So that's why I stick with her, albow, pellow, and all.