Blog? What blog? I have a blog?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
What's all this?*
Monday, March 16, 2009
Size: L (L is for Limbo)
When Sara was here way back in January (that seems so long ago), we went to Target. I think we were there mainly so Sara could give it (Target) a big "I miss you" hug, but we also purchased a few items. As it was still freezing cold here way back in January, Sara purchased some tights. I thought I would enjoy owning some tights also, so I picked up a package of Target tights and checked the back to see what size I should buy to fit, well, my size.
4'11"-5'5" 100-130 lbs Small/Med
5'5"-5'11" 130-175 lbs Med/Tall
5'5"-5'11" 190-240 lbs 1X/2X (I'm not positive it says 240. It's 2something though)
Back in January, I weighed about 184 lbs (I'm not sure of the exact number, but I'm too lazy to look it up.)
Do you see the problem? The tights skip from 175 pounds to 190 pounds, with no size offered for those weighing between 176 lbs and 189 lbs. Yeah--those who are under 4'11" or over 5'11" and under 100 lbs or over 240 lbs are also tightsless in this situation, but at least there are specialty stores for them (or the girls' department for those under 100 lbs). What am I to do? Where's my neither-here-nor-there store? I haven't done any research since to see if all tights have similar size gaps. Now that spring is here (kinda), I have no use for tights.
And now I have a goal for this fall '09 (other than somehow acquiring several millions of dollars [which I will totally share with you--I'll at least buy you some tights]): to fall below 175 pounds so I can get me some of them fancy Target tights.
Posted by Holly at 9:10 PM 9 comments
Labels: cold legs, if I had a million dollars, limbo, size, size matters, Target, tights
Sunday, March 15, 2009
I think Hallmark can see inside my house
A few days ago I got this card in the mail from my friend that I used to go to the gym with when I lived in Southern California. She lives in Japan now, and ergo carries the title of My Only Friend That is Usually Awake at the Same Time That I Am. Because of this, we chat on Skype a few times a week. Every once and awhile we talk about how little we like exercise compared to how much we like to eat. See why we're friends? Food = awesome, exercise = necessary evil.
Anyway, I don't really have a point to this, I just really liked the card and wanted to share it with you.
Posted by Sara at 1:07 PM 4 comments
Labels: a post about nothing, excuses excuses excuses, exercise, Hallmark is creepily accurate
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Bad Idea of the Week:
Eating 1/2 a box of Trix cereal (dry) in one sitting. (Hey-- Lost makes me anxious...and munchy).
Good idea to counteract the bad idea:
Posted by Holly at 9:53 PM 4 comments
Labels: bad ideas, cereal, Imodium, inappropriate snacks, Lost, munchies, Silly Rabbit's Revenge, Trix
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Skinny Buns
Get this. (I read somewhere that the secret of successful bloggers is that they start each post with a forceful command.*) You know Carrie Fisher? The actress/writer/gold bikini-wearer? (Of course you know Carrie Fisher. Who doesn't?) I just heard from her very mouth that she was offered the role of Princess Leia in the Star Wars trilogy with the caveat that she lose 10 pounds. The thing is, at the time she weighed a mere 105 pounds. Sure, she's 5'1" tall, but that's still incredibly skinny. Shame on you, George Lucas and Star Wars casting agents!
*I made that up. The actual secret of successful bloggers is that they tell outrageous lies.
Posted by Holly at 2:58 PM 3 comments
Labels: Carrie Fisher, celebrity weight, could my Photoshop skills BE any better?, Hollywood, NPR, outrageous lies, pressure to be thin, Star Wars, weight loss
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Never Give a Half-Baked Answer to a 4-year-old
Conversation with above 4-year-old tonight, just before bed:
I suppose I should have told her that "fat" means, "having too much adipose tissue." (see below). That would have cleared things right up.

Posted by Holly at 9:26 PM 4 comments
Labels: 4-year-olds, adipose tissue, dictionaries, fat, half-baked answers, kids say the darndest things, lazy answers, what about "pleasantly plump?"
Friday, February 20, 2009
Product Review: Wheat Thins Fiber Selects
Posted by Holly at 10:12 PM 4 comments
Labels: fiber, my opinions, nutrition, product review, regularity, Wheat Thins, Wheat Thins Fiber Selects