Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Highlight of MY day

I couldn't be prouder (more proud?)! Turns out Diet Cake (that's this blog) is the number one hit if you Google the words "harlot" and "rouge" together. I think this may be the second step on our road to blogging fame (the first step was getting anyone at all to read our drivel). I think I can attribute the Google listing to this post. Since this blog is supposedly about dieting (and cake), and not harlots and rouge, I imagine anyone who Googled this word combo would be disappointed and/or annoyed upon clicking on our link. But I think I can speak for Sara when I say that we're willing to discuss harlots and rouge from time to time. How about now? Rouge: for it. Harlotry: against it. 

P.S. Please don't confuse "rouge" with "rogue." Rouge is a cosmetic, used on the cheeks (aka: blush). A rogue is the main male character in a Harlequin Regency novel, as in "Pierre Charlemagne Augustine DuBleu, rogue that he was, had a left a trail of love-sick, be-rouged harlots in his wake."
P.S. 2  My nose looks awesomely big in that picture.